Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I'm bilingual.....in months only

Today Chuck got a new plant but flipped out completely when I added rock and put the plant in. I had to move him to a smaller bowl so I could work in his new larger vase like bowl and he was having a fit. I think he loves his new spacious living arrangments and feared the smaller holding bowl. When I went to get his plant & the rock I almost got sucked into buying a turtle. The turtle was adorable but required a large aquarium and really I am lucky Chuck is still alive, do I really need to add another pet? another not even furry pet? These are the times I wish I had a bf, he could get a turtle then and it wouldn't be weird.

Summer is almost over already! Seriously where did it go? My summer at LBI has been ok, it was done to get away from the crowd at Manasquan, specifically FG. That lasted until last Friday when I caved and hooked up with him before heading down the shore. This led to a fight with a friend of mine when I got drunk and shared that fact. I just hate that I don't trust my friends to stand by me, so I test them by telling them something that I know is going to annoy them about me and watch the drama. She totally flipped, called me stupid and ranted and wouldn't talk to me for a bit. I of course being a runner bolted the next morning and spent my Sunday at my parents. At 30 years old I'm still running to my parents when my friends hurt my feelings, kinda lame.

Overall things are the same although I'm getting better at home, my apartment has curtains! I added some other things too but after being here for 13 months it was good to have curtains. Next purchase is going to be a desk...I'd like to have a set up for my computer/mail/etc so everything is all over.

maybe next time it won't take 2 months to post again, although I'm the only one reading anyway :)

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