Monday, July 21, 2008

Going green

This weekend I enjoyed lots of fresh air and was one with nature. I spent the weekend in PA on the Lehigh river for some white water rafting. This did include camping - for those of you who believe otherwise I camped all weekend and survived. The river was gorgeous - the rapids were faster since this was a damn release weekend and made the trip muc more enjoyable. Then on Sunday we headed back down the river with the Zogsports group and met some new people. I'm not usually up for meeting new people and especially not with a group of athletes but I actually had fun. The group in the raft was fun and we managed to only to get stuck on one rock and even that we got out of pretty quickly. After 2 days of dirt though I was ready to go home and so when we boarded that bus yesterday I couldn't wait to get back to my apt. However we had to stop at a rest stop so the bus driver could pee and then again at a shoprite for someone on the other bus to get...something. No one knows still what we stopped for - once we got off the bus at 31st & 8th we had to walk up the Path station where of course the turnstiles didn't accept cash and the credit card/atm machines weren't working - the only ones that worked were the coin machines. Thanks to Lisa we managed to gather $3.50 in coins so we could finally go home. Once in Hoboken I totally wussed out and took a cab home where I dropped to bed immediately and slept til morning - but am still tired.

It was a fabulous weekend but I'm glad to be out of the dirt and sleeping in a bed and not on the floor of a tent.

For anyone who doesn't know yet Jillian got engaged so stop by and wish her welll.

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