Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tour of the Shore

I can't believe summer is over!

The past few weeks I have been traveling all over the country for work so I was thrilled to have off on Thursday & Friday last week and with the long weekend that gave me 5 days for fun, sun & beer.

1st up - thursday - Spring Lake. I got in late the night before from Chicago so I didn't make it to SL until Thursday around noon. Beth, Lisa & Laura were already down but when to get pedicures and lunch so I rollerbladed around SL & Belmar it was so nice. We eventually all met up and hit the beach for a few hours before heading back to get ready for some drinking! We assembled a group of 8 people and headed to PH - the Sauer sisters were our guests of honor. We started with a family meal on the deck of PH before heading inside to find a very very empty PH. It was disappointing b/c we wanted Ann & Mary to see how fun PH is, but we regroupede and headed over to Leggets. I was so excited to go to Leggets(which is rare) because it was Thursday = shot wheel night!! Oh wait, holiday weekend no shot wheel. So far the night was not going well - we grabbed some beers and found a place near the bar and sat through easy listening music for the next few hours. Leggett's was ok crowded, not too bad. We saw some people we knew which was fun and Lisa met a boy. He was a nice boy and they did their 8th grade style dancing and smooching. We left Leggett's pretty late considering the bad music - grabbed some pizza and headed home.

Friday - another beautiful beach day. Spent pretty much all of the afternoon on the beach. We headed back where Mark had made a fantastic dinner for our increasingly crowded house - b/c the house is mostly 1/2 shares I didn't know everyone, it was great to meet everyone this weekend. Part of dinner involved Vodka watermelon - good idea in theory - bad idea for Melanie. We took forever to get ready but finally made it to PH - all a bit typsy from the melon. We went in smaller groups but soon enough there were 20 of us from the house plus some outsiders like Rachel & Norell dancing downstairs. Beth has about 110 pictures from that night to prove how fun we were. As PH wrapped up we headed for the cabs to get to Bar A - I really really wanted to go to Bar A to see the band. The cab arrives at Bar A and I promptly fall out of the cab - the driver had to get my shoe from under the cab. We finally get inside and order beers - Beth goes to get food as I do my 2nd jaeger bomb shot. Beth is taking a really long time so I go to look for her - walked the bar twice but couldn't find her - ended up getting some onion rings & decided that I was way too drunk to be out - took cab home myself b/c I couldn't find anyone. I passed out as soon as I got home but there were some stories from the house that night - people sleeping in their cars, some snuggling between friends - aahhh beach house living.

Saturday - Beth, Laura & I packed up and headed to LBI. We arrived at the mansion to find about 20+ people there. We had planned to stay at Beth's parents place w/the mansion as back up - after seeing how crowded the mansion was we really hoped the other place wasn't rented. We spent about an hour watching this really weird mockumentary about hooking up. We ventured to the beach finally and hung there for a few hours and then went over to the other house to find it not rented, with central air & we all got our own rooms! That night we headed over to the Shell to see Hyperactive - another night of drunken dancing ensued - we were celebrating Shelly's bday so there were shots and lots of drinks. I met this lovely couple who started dancing with me and then asked me if I wanted to go home with them (yes, people really will say anything to me) I declined and walked off. Bobby ended up coming to LBI around 1am so he got to take us home. We made it home without incident but ended up staying up drinking/talkikng for a few hours.

Sunday - Beth & I decided we had to take a break from the sun so we stayed inside and watched Heros that I had from Netflix for about 3 hours while Laura & Bobby went to the beach. That night Beth made fantastic dinner before we headed out to happy hour. Happy Hour was so fun - since this was the last night of summer we got to see everyone. The guys had played in the 180 cup beer pong tournament so they were veeeeeeeery drunk. After happy hour we headed out to see Lifespeed at the Marlin - much of this night is blurry & vague for me. I remember a lot of dancing - some running man & the robot were performed. We did no shots though, so we could survive. We finally left at last call and picked up food at the Chegg & got a cab back (15 blocks = $25) and had a mini feast on the deck.

Monday - to celebrate Labor Day we again headed out to the beach.
We hung with the Sauer sisters and Shelly to discuss Shelly's fun evening the night before - and watch Sauer children who were adorable. We left the beach as late as possible to head to dinner before going home. At dinner we found out there was a fatal accident and the parkway was closed, so we headed back to the house to watch Gossip Girl and then leave. Weird show. We finally got home late last night and I'm really tired but it was a great time had by all!

Congrats to the 106 York Ave softball team - they won the game(s)

We have one weekend left and then summer will be over, it's sad but I'm so ready for Football Fall and funday sundays :)


*This is from Beth - whenever we hit up multiple beach towns we go on our tour of the shore

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