Sunday, March 4, 2007

March - month o'parties

This weekend was a big event in my town. A big party event that all my friends got into. It was awesome and so fun to be with all my friends...but I of course made it a disaster

~Only did 1 carbomb
~still got as drunk as last year when I did 6
~made an ass out of myself in front of ultra conservative cousin over the Foreigner
~Foreigner treated me like crap in front of family & friends
~I practically begged him to come home with me anyway for sex....he said no
~He did a drive by for bad sex that night before leaving to go back out with his friends......seriously what is wrong with me?

I also found out that one of my friends has changed her summer plans and it's really bumming me out. I need to be as busy as possible and as far away from old beach as possible to move on from this foreign issue....this new news is not helping. I just hate when things don't go my way....nice trait I know.
The thing is that even if I'm not seeing him, 4589034803248 other girls do and it's frustrating b/c I never got good at more then 1 guy at a time.....I'm the queen of long term non-relationships, something every girls dreams of I'm sure.

I'm hoping to move on and I need a freaking date already, but match is what my friends use and it never worked for me. It was the basis of the longests and most painful non relationship of my 20s. I just don't know what to do anymore.

I have a cold and I'm the worst sick person....I never managed to suck it up, it's gonna be a long week.

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