Sunday, February 25, 2007

Back Home

I arrived home safely a few days ago and it's so good to be home. The cold is killing me though...seriously it is ridiculou cold. Since being back I've become aware of a bit more such as
~My job is not so fun...mostly administrative stuff....sucked the creative right out of me
~The men in my life suck...they just really don't care about me
~my friends are disappointing at times. it's not even that they have so much going on it's just that they don't care either

I miss being 24 I is too hard when older I feel. I miss times when it didn't matter who I was seeing, that I didn't have to make decisions about this guy being long term potentional. I wish I didn't have to consider buying a place when I have no real interest in doing so...everyone keeps telling me how it's great to buy and the next step..but why? I don't need to own something, I don't need the hassle of buying a place..the time, the money, the investment none of which I have to give rightnow.

I have a church thing to do today and I'd rather just sit on my couch and watch law & order all afternoon and drink bloody's pathetic


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Politics make it hard to travel....

Yesterday we were stuck in the hotel all day because of water riots. It seems that the government in Bangalore has decided to change the way the water allocation is structured and it made people there were riots yesterday. I have mostly been sleeping during the day since we are working at night. It is a lot harder then I thought to get used to the time difference....I thought I'd be ok by now but I'm still all confused.
Last night we went to a really good Indian barbeque restaurant, the food was pretty good. I'm getting better at the food thing, although today I ate mostly salad and sandwhiches, only so much my body can take. I just found out that our travel has been adjusted so that we can leave here on Saturday to take a train on Sunday to go see the Taj Mahal! It's like the #1 think associated with India so I'm so happy that I can see it....we are only working through thursday so it leaves us plenty of time to look around and check out the area on Friday/Saturday.
I am taking pictures but it's kinda hard when you sleep the day away.....oh well this weekend should be good for picture taking.
I'm getting used to the stares so I don't notice as much but I do notice that people are alot nicer to me then my traveling companion who is Indian.....they really like westerners here which is great!
Off to do some work.


Monday, February 12, 2007

Made it

The flight was long but I did manage to sleep 10 of the 14 was great. I have never flown business class before and I have to say that if youhave to be on a plane for a long time, this is the way to go!. I have so far been having a good time. We started in New Delhi and it was slightly depressing. Yesterday we finally got to Bangalore, it's so much nicer. We spend the day inside though b/c of water riots that were occuring around town, political issue. It was great to do nothing though...I still haven't gotten used to the time difference though I'm trying. Right now at home it's 1:30 I think...but I can't be sure really :)

I am having a great time, the food is good and everyone is so nice. Our hotel is super the big flat panel tv I have.
I'll be posting pictures soon!


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Day before

Tomorrow night I leave for India. I'm very excited and a little nervous. Of course before I go I must start trouble. The foreigner is apparently going to FL for the weekend. I haven't seen him in weeks, probably 2 months now if anyone's counting, i am. The back history is that I met him in a bar down the shore 2 1/2 years ago...I was seeing someone else at the time so I didn't pay much attention to him...he of course likes that in a girl. Around November of that year I decided I liked him, I wanted it to work, he back pedaled and bolted....throughout the rest of time it's been on again and off again and on again and off again. I constantly try to let go and move on and he always lets me, which hurts. He is very easily distracted by pretty things and our town has tons of he is always off playing with them and it leaves me alone. I moved recently about 6 blocks away, I've learned that I am not worth a 6 block walk unless he's really drunk and even then it's only b/c he's in the area. My friends are tired of listening, I'm tired of living it...I just wished I could have made it work with the nice guy that I still speak to...he's sweet and kind but doesn't have everything I'm looking for so I can't commit to it. The foreigner of course doesn't have everything either but he is what I want the most in the world, a challenge.
~Someday I'll let go
~Someday I'll find happiness

until then I get to spend my time away obsessing/trying not to obsess about his weekend and all the girls he finds.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Life is funny

I have been waiting for my bankcard for 5 days....did I mention they sent it overnight mail, unbelievable.

I missed out on drinks tonight with a coworker b/c of this mess and I couldn't get the black ballet shoes that I wanted for my upcoming trip.

I'm home now and cooking dinner on my fabu george forman grill, seriously best thing I've ever gotten. I am making chicken, grilled peppers and grilled brocolli all in one space. I'm also making brown rice but that's on the side, I opened my cabinet and didn't want pasta again so I settled on rice. There is a box of cous cous in there but I think I bought that once to just to have it incase i ever make dinner for me I won't be making dinner for anyone anytime soon.

I have the worst habit of getting into multiple year non relationships and sabotaging any relationship that may become something, you know b/c it's super fun to be 30 years old and hung up on someone who doesn't want you, no really.

3 days til I leave for India.....getting nervous but still excited. Although got an email today that said offices might be closed on the 12th b/c of political issues...hmmmm India isn't a warzone right?


Wallet update

No I didn't find it and it hasn't been returned. However I did manage to get a license early Saturday morning, even though it meant giving up a favorite activity to do so. I then had a fabulous time trying to get my bank to send me a new card asap. I had requested on Friday it be overnighted to my parents since I was heading there for the weekend. I waited around until about 1:30 then called up and went uber-bitch on them when I found out that they didn't process it correctly and so it would be delivered there on Monday. Great! except I wouldn't be there Monday.....they then had to reroute it to work so I could have my card for Monday. After wasting most of my morning waiting around at my parents I headed out to get some stuff done and meet up with some friends. My new friend Jerry the bank guy called, the card actually couldn't be sent until Tuesday. So now I have no bank card, no credit cards for 4 days, awesome.

Yesterday they kept calling me and when I finally got a hold of Jerry he told me that UPS had in fact delivered the card to my parents so he was going to have to issue a new one and have it sent to me for today. Now I love this bank, they were the ones who told me when my wallet was stolen a few months ago...but seriously they were ridiculous with this issue.

Today the secretary drops off 2 envelopes.....both from the bank. I opened them up and there are 2 bankcards...hmmmmm. I call my friend Jerry and he tells me that he had 2 sent so that I could tuck one away in case it were to happen again. So basically my bank is giving me back up for when I do this again b/c even they have given up hope of me holding onto my stuff longer then 6 months. It's kinda funny but also sad that at 30 years old my bank has to give me back up to save me from myself.

Have a fun day!

Sunday, February 4, 2007


This weekend has flew by. I have spent most of it hanging with my old high school friend and getting drunk...good times. I lost my wallet on thursday in a cab, annoying. I have had to replace everything, license, bank card, credit card, etc. My bank card was supposed to come yesterday to my parents since I went home for the weekend....instead they screwed up and I won't get it until Tuesday, nice. I have done nothing but lay on the couch and be lame all day......being hungover so badly at 30 years old is horrible. I feel ridiculous to have barely eaten yesterday and then drank that much. I deserve this feeling but seriously I feel horrible. I'm gonna go back and watch bad tv now....hoping that tomorrow I feel much better so I can go swim off allthe food I've eaten today to combat my stomach.

go Indy!

Thursday, February 1, 2007


As part of the new job I get to go to India. Today I finalized booking and it's going to be a loooooooooooong flight. I'm not great at sitting still for a long time. I constantly get up, move around and generally annoy anyone in my range. So with that in mind, I will be traveling in a middle seat. People keep telilng me how long the flight it, how crowded it will be, how I will stand out. I'm about 5'4" and blonde...I'm wondering if I'll be the only blonde on the plane. Atleast if I get lost someone will be able to describe me.

I am so excited to be going. I've been getting mixed reactions, some people are excited for me others seem to feel sorry for me. I love to travel, all over really. I'm taking this trip and am excited because
1. It's somewhere I've never been
2. It's exotic and so much warmer then here
3. It's free!!!

seriously these tickets are sooooo expensive but I get to go for free for work!

While over there I know I'll be super busy doing what I have to do but in the I know there will also be time for me to look around and really see this gorgeous country.