Monday, February 12, 2007

Made it

The flight was long but I did manage to sleep 10 of the 14 was great. I have never flown business class before and I have to say that if youhave to be on a plane for a long time, this is the way to go!. I have so far been having a good time. We started in New Delhi and it was slightly depressing. Yesterday we finally got to Bangalore, it's so much nicer. We spend the day inside though b/c of water riots that were occuring around town, political issue. It was great to do nothing though...I still haven't gotten used to the time difference though I'm trying. Right now at home it's 1:30 I think...but I can't be sure really :)

I am having a great time, the food is good and everyone is so nice. Our hotel is super the big flat panel tv I have.
I'll be posting pictures soon!


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