Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Life is funny

I have been waiting for my bankcard for 5 days....did I mention they sent it overnight mail, unbelievable.

I missed out on drinks tonight with a coworker b/c of this mess and I couldn't get the black ballet shoes that I wanted for my upcoming trip.

I'm home now and cooking dinner on my fabu george forman grill, seriously best thing I've ever gotten. I am making chicken, grilled peppers and grilled brocolli all in one space. I'm also making brown rice but that's on the side, I opened my cabinet and didn't want pasta again so I settled on rice. There is a box of cous cous in there but I think I bought that once to just to have it incase i ever make dinner for anyone...trust me I won't be making dinner for anyone anytime soon.

I have the worst habit of getting into multiple year non relationships and sabotaging any relationship that may become something, you know b/c it's super fun to be 30 years old and hung up on someone who doesn't want you, no really.

3 days til I leave for India.....getting nervous but still excited. Although got an email today that said offices might be closed on the 12th b/c of political issues...hmmmm India isn't a warzone right?


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