Sunday, February 4, 2007


This weekend has flew by. I have spent most of it hanging with my old high school friend and getting drunk...good times. I lost my wallet on thursday in a cab, annoying. I have had to replace everything, license, bank card, credit card, etc. My bank card was supposed to come yesterday to my parents since I went home for the weekend....instead they screwed up and I won't get it until Tuesday, nice. I have done nothing but lay on the couch and be lame all day......being hungover so badly at 30 years old is horrible. I feel ridiculous to have barely eaten yesterday and then drank that much. I deserve this feeling but seriously I feel horrible. I'm gonna go back and watch bad tv now....hoping that tomorrow I feel much better so I can go swim off allthe food I've eaten today to combat my stomach.

go Indy!

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