Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Politics make it hard to travel....

Yesterday we were stuck in the hotel all day because of water riots. It seems that the government in Bangalore has decided to change the way the water allocation is structured and it made people mad...so there were riots yesterday. I have mostly been sleeping during the day since we are working at night. It is a lot harder then I thought to get used to the time difference....I thought I'd be ok by now but I'm still all confused.
Last night we went to a really good Indian barbeque restaurant, the food was pretty good. I'm getting better at the food thing, although today I ate mostly salad and sandwhiches, only so much my body can take. I just found out that our travel has been adjusted so that we can leave here on Saturday to take a train on Sunday to go see the Taj Mahal! It's like the #1 think associated with India so I'm so happy that I can see it....we are only working through thursday so it leaves us plenty of time to look around and check out the area on Friday/Saturday.
I am taking pictures but it's kinda hard when you sleep the day away.....oh well this weekend should be good for picture taking.
I'm getting used to the stares so I don't notice as much but I do notice that people are alot nicer to me then my traveling companion who is Indian.....they really like westerners here which is great!
Off to do some work.


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