Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Beth's 20-12

This weekend we headed down to LBI to celebrate Beth's bday - we had a great time
- 3rd floor of the mansion all to ourselves - no one had to listen to us/wake up b/c of me
- listening to a wedding band - Big Bang Ernie plays all the classic wedding hits
- Superman! is still funny - although the picture of me and Woody isn't
- Although not 23 anymore the cops broke up our Beer Pong game at 2:30am
- Barbeques that become home cooked lasagna are awesome
- slicing your thumb open while cutting limes for Corona - not so much
- Ketch was very fun and we managed to avoid all annoying drunk ex-bfs
- Shelly was a magnet for the youngin's - telling them they could be her son did not deter at all
- Beth smooched on the dance floor for her birthday - yes digits were exchanged but she held out on sending the picture of them together...still waiting
- I made out with a guy in the middle of the street as he hung out the SUV driven by his dorky friends
- Saw make-out guy(nope don't kow his name) in the Chicken/Egg as he was going to the bathroom - avoided him(smooth)
- Sunday was calmer we ventured up to Spring Lake to go to PH
- Lisa tried to dump beer all over Ann & we ate little crabs
- PH had a fun band with a girl singer that was very good
- Managed to leave at 10:30 after Foreigner sightings

It's not over yet - tomorrow we have Beth's actual birthday and then this weekend it's Jill & Janice's turn as well as Kelly's Wedding - crazyness still to come

23 days Foreigner Free!
- Did exceptionally well

Thursday, June 19, 2008


To those of you in the beach house last weekend you may not want to read on....when I got home from our Beach House happy hour last night I flipped on the TV to south park and it was the one with the midget tolerance guy. Sadly i totally related to eric cartman - the little guy was so cute! and the suspenders hysterical. I know many of you think it's odd how they fascinate me but that episode is one that should not be missed. A girl in the BH was telling me about midgetville, so I think we need a road trip to see this place - I bet they wear sombreros all the time and don't mind behing walking chip/dip people. So how about it? road trip?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I fear for the future - June 2008

Last night Beth, Ann & I got together to teach the basics of Wii to Beth at her apartment. Her neice & nephew are coming into town so I loaned her the Wii for them. We ordered some sushi, Beth & Ann had wine - I was not drinking(important in a minute) and we practiced some of the games so that Beth wouldn't get her ass kicked by little kids tomorrow. The night was fun, uneventful on the craziness scale. I left to go home, grabbing everything I brought - or so I thought.

At 7am this morning I realized that I left my wallet at Beth's - for those of you who may read this blog (or have hung out with me atleast once) you'll remember that I leave my wallet in cabs, at bars, on streets, even in friends cars and all those previous stories are from when I have been ridiculously drunk - but last night I drank soda. So the inevitable has happened, I do not even need to be drinking anymore to leave stuff everywhere - please remember if you are hanging out with me to ask if I have everything, changes are I do not and will need whatever I'm leaving behind.

As one of my friends so nicely put -"we are going to have to start duct taping things to you, or maybe a fanny pack?"

Recap - June 2008

I had planned on blogging recaps from weekends at the shore for everyone who doesn't live in Jersey anymore. However it is really hard to recap everything that happened when you only remember til about 9pm at night....it's really hard.

Here is what I do remember

Friday - got so lost trying to find house - managed to make it down there and planned to nap to be ready for going out all night (thursday's go out for 1 drink ended up being a huge bender - i'm not a sleeper but even I need more than 2 hours) - instead showed up to people in the house so I started drinking instead. Headed to PH to begin the evening - ended up at Edgar's dancing with miliary people & a guy who smelled like an air freshner. Got pizza went home.

Saturday - attempted to go the beach - it was freezing, windy & we were the only people there. Gave up came back to the house watched super violent movies (miss living with boys) and left to go to lunch with friends(so glad you guys are back!). Came back and found everyone playing beer pong. inside. on dining room table. Ended up playing for hours(did not win once, unheard of) - very drunk before going out. Traveled to PH again and saw some people I knew finally and then to Edgars(transition was fuzzy between the two). At Edgars danced with random people that everyone but me knew - saw air freshner boy again - avoided. Got pizza went home

Sunday - gorgeous beach day - lunch at PH - bloody marys should not be consumed like water. Moved inside for our made up Happy Hour and drank vodka/lemonades...stayed too long. Went back to shower - haha drunk showers. Finally get ready head back to PH where we drank way more than is needed by 9pm. Leave bar and go home - pass out completely wake up at 5am to head back to Hoboken.

Monday - spend all day on couch "working remotely"

I love summer - but for some reason I can't seem to grasp the concept that it's a marathon not a sprint. Happy Hour is my favorite time of day and if I could I'd always drink at 4pm and also my phone pretty much recaps for me the next morning as I see what I was up to when "thinking with vodka".


Summer! - May 2008

Well it's finally here - we've waited months for this weekend ---- Memorial Day has arrived! If you ever scrolled through the pictures in my profile you will notice that my pictures are mostly me very tan in tank tops with beer & lots of friends - they are all shore pictures. The shore is very near & dear to my heart and I am so happy that we are on our way back to that magical time - summer.

For 9 months out of the year we suffer through cold weather, pasty skin and do our best to stay festive with the Hunt, bar crawls, festivals & weekends away to ski lodges..but then May happens. As soon as May comes it makes those monthly bh payments through the spring completely worth it! This weekend we all head down to meet up with the summer people - those people you see year after year at the bars or on the beach. Through the years I've had some interesting beach house: The Circus, the Apartment, the house with the boy band and last year I ventured to LBI.

This year I return to Central Jersey and head to Spring Lake - I feel very mature being in that town; I feel sorry for that town. We are only a few blocks from Parker House and anyone who has watched me walk home from a bar knows that the people of SL are in for a treat :) Luckily it's only a half share so it won't be too damaging to the neighborhood.

Wherever you are this summer I hope you have a great time! I'm sure we'll see each other in PH, the Ketch, the Marlin, or one of the many rooms of the Osprey(no, it never gets old!)

Philadelphia - May 2008

The story of a road trip, fondue, irish bars, crashing a bus party & cheesesteaks....better known as a bachelorette party.

The lovely Kelly is getting married in June and this week we traveled to Philly to celebrate her bachelorette party. We went down Saturday after spending Friday in Spring Lake(finally got a PH card...yay!) Thanks to Beth's fabulous GPS we had no incident getting to the hotel - no small feat when 2 of the car people are really bad at directions. The hotel was cute and we arrived with enough time to classy up & make some drinks.

First stop - Fondue - we went to the Melting Pot - fun concept and lots of cheese - love the cheese. We had a lot of fun toasting Kelly & dipping small things into pots of cheese and then followed it up with dipping things in chocolate. It's very fun to hang out with people you kinda know and share pots of food - dinner went well.

back at the hotel we watched Kelly open some interesting gifts - tit cookies being one of the interesting items

Second stop - McFaddens - we were VIPs here which means for $20 we drank most of the night at a crowded back bar. McFaddens had good music but a very crowded bar. I usually have a lot of problems getting served by women bartenders but last night was awesome, the bartender I went to was not annoying about the one drink per person rule. The other side had a prickly little man who was a sticker for a braceleted arm getting each drink - way to ruin the party.
After we managed to secure beverages we returned to the main bar area where we

-made Kelly & Tiffany dance on the bar - a few other members joined her

-Patron is the new family shot

-jello shots with whipped cream still reminds me of Belmar summer

-the weirdest men are still gutsy enough to come up to a circle of girls to dance

The night got pretty fuzzy and we decided to leave around 1am-ish. I'm not exactly sure how the next thing happend but I remember climbing onto a private bus party(found out this morning it was a bachelor party) where we had the bus take us along with them to the cheesesteak place. One of the guys I met was interesting, mostly because he had some connections with NJ Devils - I think I made some vague plans - sorry Pat(might be your name). The bride did not have the best ride & some of the others weren't holding up well - thankfully the ride was short.

At the Cheesesteak place we were in a looooooooooong line and then I noticed that Lisa wasn't in line with us - and then I saw her across the street with our friend - our friend who was in the fetal position on a street corner. I went over (drunk Melanie is always sooooooo helpful) and worked with Lisa & Tiff to get a cab - 5 cabs said no flat out - apparently a drunk girl being held up by other people does not make a good passenger. We managed to bribe a cabdriver to take us back to the hotel. At the hotel we got her inside and steered her to the elevator - however she had to throw up so we brought her over to a potted plant - yeah not going back there again.

The rest of the group came back shortly after - Beth brought me a cheesesteak - the room ended up reaking of the sandwhich. When we got up at 6am this morning the smell was so overwhelming - and after 15million vodka/clubs this was not good for anyone.

for the curious - we got up at 6am to drive Lisa back b/c she has her MBA graduation - so go congradulate her!

We ended up having a fantastic time in a city not many of us knew much about - next time though I think we should stay away from random buses of men - nothing good comes from that. I have spent most of the day asleep in recovery - thankfully chinese delivery was prompt :)

happy sunday

It's like we never left - May 2008

This past weekend we ventured down to the wonderful world of the jersey shore again(have to post last weekend's DJais story still). I originally went down to see my mom for Mother's Day and easily got sucked into heading over to Parker House that night - VIP exchange night, yet I don't even have a VIP card.

When we arrived and I was surprised how crowded the place was - lots of people. Yet I didn't really recognize people (not that this is a suprise b/c I know no one ever) The one fun thing about the night though was that I was fielding some work calls after doing shots - so responsible.

Also - Lisa managed to get her VIP card renewed - was a good thing she practiced the name in the car

We got to see the posse again - nice early summer meeting

The boy band was missing some players but those that were there were very enthusiastic

We ended up downstairs where there was no band AND I managed to take really drunk pictures of all my friends so that when they call their drunk faces appear (although no one ever calls, too bad pics don't come up when texting)

End of the night we continued the festivities at Leggits - I am not a nighttime/weekend Leggits fan. It's too crowded - you are forced to move around the bar b/c you are caught in the crowd and anyone you didn't want to see or didn't want to see hooking up with someone else is going to be there. So this pre-season leggit's evening went well. For some it was better than others - congrats Jeannette :)

I vaguely remember leaving (ended up in the back back of the car - while wearing 4 inch heels - so graceful) and heading to the diner just like old times. We ordered food & managed to amuse the waitstaff with our stories of the bf who had a bisexual ex-wife and various other inappropriate things at 3am in a Diner.

The best part! We're back next weekend b/c we have the house early....gonna be an interesting summer.


Newest Pick-Up line - April 2008

Last night we went out to celebrate Norell & Turco's birthdays. Started at Trinity, very nice dinner and a bunch of drinks. Wandered over to Whiskey Bar for phase 2...I drank quite a few vodka/clubs...a lot. So of course I got drunk way fast and ended up leaving before everyone else. I was ok to get home so I began to walk home since it's not too far. I should note that I was wearing 4 inch heeled sandals, I'm not graceful naturally and with some vodka and spindle heels it was a challenge. Hoboken wasn't too crowded so I started walking home, mostly watching the ground so I didn't fall. In front of me was this guy who was walking by himself - he wasn't on the phone or anything and basically I stopped when he stopped at corners b/c of that whole watching the ground thing. About a block before my apartment I crossed the street to the other side and he went with me...and started to chat. He wasn't a weird guy or anything, seemed pretty normal but b/c I was watching the ground I wasn't really paying attention and only answering in 1 or 2 words. This is paraphrased but basically the jist of our conversation

Him: So how was your night

Me: fine

Him: I'm just throwing this out here but I'd like to propose a night of hot sex, just me and you. How about it? (Yes he did say it after about 2 sentences of coversation - I don't even know his name)

Me: laughed - Thanks but I'm gonna pass

Him: No really it'll be good - no strings just one hot night.

At this point I was at a loss....I walked over to my door and he made a last ditch effort and kissed me! Ummm dude I just met you on the street 2 min ago and laughed at your proposal....does this ever work for him?

I can only imagine that this guy was very drunk and thought that since I was weaving my way home I was someone who would accept this amazing offer.

Has Hoboken changed recently? I get that it's spring and summer is coming but seriously??

Vacationing in suburbia - April 2008

I finally manged to take a mini-vacation. I left last Thursday to head down to North Carolina to see Sandy & kids(hi kids!). I had a great trip - some highlights

- The kids are still adorable and very funny - Dylan does not have an off switch from sunup to sundown(they get up very early) he was go go go

- Colby does not know where he lives. He and I went bike riding and proceeded to get lost b/c I let him lead and have no sense of direction. What started out as a leisurely bike ride became a very loooooooooong ride. We finally found our way home but ended up on some major highway that he's not allowed on and he totally ratted me out to his mother when she got home.

- I am now the owner of Chubby the duck on Webkinz....I only joined so that I can play online games with the kids - buuuuuuut Chubby has the best room and now an outside pool too! When I signed up for the account I attempted to name the duck Kettle One (continuing my qwest to name all pets after alcohol) Webkinz however didn't like those words so I defaulted to Chubby. Chubby is white and is currently sporting a black Dude hat & flip flops - I had to answer a couple hundred 5-6 year olds trivia questions for that pool.

- I spent a day and a half trying to win Kinzbucks so that Dylan's pet wouldn't die. It had no bed and was really ticked off about it and was going to die. I mail the kid the bed and when he opens it his first reaction "Only a bed?" sooooo Dylan - you're on your own.

- Went out Saturday night to a local bar - Sandy lives near an Air Force base. Military = Hot Men.....not so much here. Apparently they all travel to Raliegh so we were left with the locals. I had a good time with the people we went with - the one girl who only did a shot of tequila - no chaser - is my new hero. For those of you who received my text msgs. Saturday night I apologize I was drunk and confused by all the locals and marrieds. I dont' remember coming home and apparently Sandy & I had a great coversation that night.

- Little league - I'm not a fan of baseball but watching Boo attempt to play baseball with both his parents yelling at him and him ignoring them was hysterical. Sadly his team lost but I think he did a fantastic job!

Those are the things I remember, I spent too much time working while away but was able to hang out with some of my favorite people in the world. For all of you who think I'm not domestic I held my own this weekend with 3 kids....progress.

Next time we're going to Myrtle Beach though :)


Randomness - March 2008

Random thoughts because I had a 9am meeting........a meeting I have everyday for 2 weeks, I hate 9am.

- I just saw the pictures from st. patrick’s day...ugh! I don’t remember much after about 3pm. Having the evidence though doesn’t make me feel better - I seem to become my own 80s hair band when having a few drinks.

- I worked from home yesterday and as usual I am reminded of why people get jobs - tv is horrible. But the stupid Kia commericals, you know the one where the people are in the gas station and can’t find the gas tank. The idea being that the tank is so huge they haven’t had to go in awhile....people if you look at your gas gauge you see an arror pointing left or right - that’s what side the tank is on. your welcome.

- March - I have never been a fan of march, besides St. Patrick’s day I could do completely without March. It is so freaking cold still...where is spring? Easter is this weekend and ummm no spring.

- Clubs - this weekend I went to one of those fancy dance clubs on the west side...$12 drinks, pretty people, etc. It was alright, I wasn’t overly impressed and considering we left around 3 I don’t remember much. Lisa - the dentist called.

- Friends - not too long ago I made the decision to distance from a particular friend over events this summer. Well I tried to work it out and to no one’s suprise (Beth) she managed to ’befriend’ every guy I met this Monday....yeah about that friendship, no thanks I’m good.

Another fascinating look into Melanie’s life....hopefully you have more going on.

Summer about 8 weeks to go!

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HSPD - March 2008

We are only days away from the famous Hoboken St. Patrick's Day. I love this day! It brings people together for 2 of my favorite things....being Irish & drinking. We are going to the same bar as always and this year we have an excellent group going, pregaming is light since Kelly & Mike moved..no more 12th street party :(.

I feel like HSPD is the start of spring season...everyone who has been hiding in the cold will come out; those that moved away will head back to Hoboken to partake in the festivities..and most important the beach house questions start!

To everyone in the area I hope to see you out and to those far away....try orbitz..good deals :)

P.S. I hope my phone survives! It always seems like I am sending mean text messages to people who don't show up and drop my phone in the toilet/sink. Hmmm I could stop being mean OR just not take the phone in the bathroom

P.P.S - I'll be the girl in the martini clover shirt!

Happy New Year - 2007

2007 was a great year, much better then 2006 anyway. I'm a little sad at how fast time is going by...the older I get the more I feel like I need to grow up and do adult type things...I miss my 20s.

some of my highlights for 2007

-new job - same company though...who knew i could commit to something

-India - I didn't blend as well as you might think and somewhere I'm in an Indian family's scrap book...but overall it's a beautfiul country and everybody there was so great.

-OAR - the concert that made me feel so old...all the teenagers were drunk and we weren't smart enough to get bombed enough before going.

-the trip that never was - someday we'll get to chicago...and when we do no one is allowed to invite the ugly guy back for dinner

-my unsuccessful attempt at being a baseball fan...it's never gonnna happen, time to give up

-7.7.07 - my little brother is someone's husband

-new beach house friends....doing LBI this year was more fun then I thought...even though the main reason for making the change didn't go as planned :)

-church - i went and became a full on catholic and then Ava Michelle's godmother...it was amazing

-Germany!!! I had a great vacation with really fun people. The meters of beer, the night of free drinking, followed by no sleep and a dash to the airport oh and I'm so sorry I never called you guy-who-put-his-number-in-my-travel-book.

-reconnecting with friends - it's been great to be back in touch with high school friend, it's nice to have part of your past reconnect

-Disney world with the best kids.....even if Dylan cried about his signature book being signed.

-December - the whole month has been crazy, fun and a little sad. Good things began again but moving from other ones makes me sad too. The holidays are always good, but I look forward to getting back on track in january.

Overall it's been a good year and I hope that in 2008 I do get some adult things accomplished but I fear that I will once again fall short in the maturity department....thankfull there's vodka.

Happy New Year everyone!!!! I'll be at a bar downtown, so if you see a really drunk girl trying to hail a cab at 4am be sure to wave :)


I know this is petty but it really really annoys me. If you get an evite, respond...and if you can't go there is no reason to +1 when you decline. Chances are we know you are dating someone...and if you can't come you don't need to add on that the person can't go too....we get it.

For those of you responding to my birthday evite, if you now all say no with +1 I'm totally canceling it!

Germany - November 2007

Last week I finally took a vacation and traveled 8 hours to fabulous Germany. The purpose of the trip was for me to see where I was born as well as where I lived. A group of us went and overall had a fantasic time. Some of the highlights

- Hamburg- 1st night in Hamburg Lisa met her new husband, he spoke no english, was huge, sweaty and drunk but absolutely knew Lisa was the one for him

- Hamburg - guy sitting next me to kept talking to me even though I spoke no german. His friend however spoke english and tried to compliment me by saying I was a beautiful girl while holding his hands about chest high in the shape of boobs....seems the sign for boobs in the same in any language.

- Berlin - instead of sightseeing on our last afternoon there I went back to the hotel to get drunk on $10 bloody marys and loved it. I was in a great mood for dinner

- Berlin - did a walking tour all over Berlin and heard fascinating history about the Russian/German way only 20 years ago. Saw the wall, checkpoints & australians, interesting tour.

- Berlin - saw Holocaust museum, walked through for 3 hours, thoroughly depressed by the end. Great museum but very sad.

- Munich - went to the big beer hall, saw dancing and bell ringing. Lisa got picked to dance with the may pole, she received a cowbell as a souvenier, we didn't let her take it off all night.

- Munich - same beer hall, went and drank liter beers, in drunken state figured I could lift 4 of them with one had...impressed 50 year old man, he showed me picture of his 21 year old son...thought we'd be a good match. His other friend decided I'd make a good wife, left me his number in travel book,sorry I never called Alex, but ummmmm I don't speak German

- Stuttgart - drove around for 3 hours trying to locate friend's house....finally parked in bakery and made him come get us. Headed back to the hotel, took 2 hours to find "really easy to find" hotel.

- Stuttgart - Mercedes museum, lots of cars...too many museums on this trip

- Kohln - last night we went along the Rhine and sat at a German/Italian restaurant and drank meters. Meters are 11 indvidual beers in a meter long wooden holder thingy. 4 of us drank 4-5 of them (I lost count)....was very drunk from dinner.

In Kohln we decided to get 1 room and have all 5 of us sleep there, sneaking in 2 additional people that the hotel wouldn't know about. To do this we had 3 people go the room after dinner while Lisa and I were going to wait and then go in a bit...well being tipsy from dinner we decided to go check out a local bar. We walked in to find a reggae bar & free beer. Everytime we went up to get beer they didn't charge us, I put down money and they gave it back; they were marking things on papers though like a tab but had no credit card of ours. Again some weird guy came up to talk to us but since we didn't speak German we just nodded alot, he was talking to the bartender so he might of paid our beers, umm thanks I guess. So in our quest to wait a little bit before we had to sneak into the hotel we ended up getting very drunk and getting home about 5 hours before we had to leave for our flight back.

Definitely a wonderful vacation.

Next time I think I'll head to South America though:


What I did with my weekend - September 2007

My weekend was supposed to be very busy, very fun......things did not go as planned.

Friday night we went out for Lisa's birthday....started at GR with balloons, candy and cake(you know b/c she's 5). Then moved onto the ferry boat as the party took to the water. We had a lot of fun on the boat, pictures are coming I promise. We left the boat, went over to Dubliner...not so fun. Left and headed to McSwiggans...here it gets a bit fuzzy. There was lots of drinking, jolly ranchers were $1....they are my favorite and were only $1!!!!! There were also some pictures of me with the birthday girls sparkly wand down my shirt....interesting. Finally around 2ish I called it a night and left the bar.

The next morning I woke up to find that my wallet was gone and my new iPhone was cracked and not responding. I searched everywhere for the wallet but no good, it was gone. McSwiggans never found it, spent much of Saturday cancelling credit cards. Everyone else headed down to Chowderfest but since I was id less, money less & phone less I stayed home to ponder my complete irresponsibility at 30.

Yesterday I went into the city to see what I could do about the phone. I went to the store where I bought it and because it was 16 days after purchase nothing could be done.....if it had been 14 days they could have helped. Thanks so much ghetto fabulous cingular girls. So I headed down to the Apple Store on Prince Street. Now they have this thing called the Genius Bar where you can get help, you have to make an appointment, of course they had no appointments left.......I"m not really proud of this but I kinda pouted and then smiled real big and finally the tech got me an appointment within 15 minutes :)

When I met the other tech I explained that I didn't know what happenend that my phone started cracking from the inside and now it wouldn't work (more smiling, more head tilting) he was so nice and got me a new phone to replace this defective one. Soooooo while I was upset I missed chowder fest & had to replace my whole wallet I atleast didn't have to shell out another $300 for a phone.

To cap it off this morning I got to go to JC DMV.....sadly I've lost my stuff so many times that I had all my documents ready and was in and out in 20 min....practice makes perfect I guess.

thank goodness vacation is only 4 days away!!

I am that girl - July 2007

And people wonder why I cycle through friends every couple of years.

I have been "dating" this guy that I was seeing last fall again this spring (we stopped before my birthday, yup now you know him). So it was not a major hot/heavy relationship since I'm still getting over someone I can't have....however we did speak often, we did hook up occassionally. Last night I get a phone call from one of my friends asking how serious he and I were. Last Friday night we were all at a birthday party for a mutual friend....seems that they started talking that night and exchanged numbers. Well since then they've been chatting and texting and well am I serious about him because you know maybe they want to get together.

Oooooooooook. I guess I can be happy someone told me this time....for those of you familiar with the dennis story I didn't get a phone call until 2 months after it was going on....so thanks.

I was a bit suprised at this info, especially since he texted me last night like nothing was going on. I called him out on it and he just stopped texting. This morning started again like maybe I forgot and when I brought it up again the messages stopped.

I think I'm an easy going girl and I want everyone to be happy, I just wonder what it is about me that says "sure don't mind me, he's all yours" In the end I would rather not be with someone who wants my friends and usually I'm very clear about that, guess this time I forgot.

I hope the week gets better :)


LBI meets Manasquan - July 2007

This weekend Beth & Laura joined me, Lisa, Jeannette & Janice in our beach bars. The weekend started early with Beth & I leaving work early and heading down to meet up with Janice & Jeannette who were already down. We got down about 4ish and joined them in some drinking. We got ready and were so engrossed in drinking that the cab driver for the cab we called actually had to come knock on our door to get us to go over to Parker House. Jill, Greg & Kelly met us over at PH for happy hour, of course PH deemed it a holiday weekend so $1 beers were not available, we still managed to celebrate Jill's bday. After a dinner of tiny burgers & some hot dogs, which I ate pickles not being a bbq fan, Erica & her bf arrived so we drank some more and then headed to the front of the stage to dance with the band. Norell & Lisa found us at the front soon enough to join in the crazy that is our group.

I don't remember the name of the band but they were very good but ummm a bit friendly. I will preface this with saying I did wear The Magic Shirt again this Friday. We were up front dancing when the band decided to announce my nice cleavage and use said cleavage for a mic stand. Beth has pictures. We continued to dance without further incident and about 10:30 left to go to Osprey. BOC was playing there and of course we were the only ones on the dance floor that early, with enough drinks we didn't notice. The place did fill up fast though so we danced with the crowd and continued to drink. Jill, Gregg, Kelly, Erica, Stubby, and myself left about 12:15...I was out the night before very late but still went home way early. I went back and Janice had locked me out and managed not to hear the banging or screaming, I finally managed to get in and yelled at her but her drunk self couldn't hear me anyway. Now I didn't pack as well as I thought for the weekend and realized I didn't bring pj bottoms...sooooooo in my incredibly drunken state I believed that a bikini bottom was the appropriate thing to wear. It wasn't my brightest idea. Through the rest of the night the others came back, Beth left the door wide open for them so they could get in w/o the hassle I had, but still anyone could have joined us since the door was wide open to the street.

Since I crashed so early and have the worst sleep patters ever I managed to wake everyone up at 8:30, I'm nice like that. We ate chips & dip for breakfast while debating going to the beach, we didn't make it. We left a bit early for Bud Bingo at Leggets (2 hours, I wanted to make sure we got seats). Bingo was new for Beth and of course she won. The rest of us just got drunk for the afternoon, so everyone wins! Jeannette & I spent a lot of time making little coaster signs for Janice since it was her bday Saturday. A lot of them just said Happy Birthday but if you were in the Osprey that night and found one that said to text Janice for her bday and had her number on it, that was us.

Beth left early to meet up with Laura to head to the Sundress Fest over in Sea Girt. The rest of us headed back to nap. The alarm was supposed to go off so we could head to dinner around 7, we got up at 7:30 but managed to all get out the door by 9 and head to UL. Jill, Gregg & Norell met us for dinner, it was horrible; the food was gross and the staff less then friendly. Left UL around 11 to head over to Osprey, yes again. Osprey was crowded, line wrapped around the corner. We got in, got soem drinks and headed to the dance floor. There were so many people there but we fought our way to the stage and danced for quite awhile. I saw a very drunk Eric from the BoyBand and his really drunk friend Franco who had a lovely relationship with my ass while I was saying hi to Eric. We got a special guest star, Turco also from LBI showed up to hang out and was quite the dancer.

Janice spent much of the night in her party dress trying to get on stage. She got about half way up before we caught her, she just wanted to tell the drummer he was going to marry her, you know it was her birthday.

Everyone made it out late and to first ave pizza, except Jeannette who had to stay and mingle with the bouncers. After getting way too much food we headed home where Turco dragged a lawn chair inside to sleep on since the air mattress we had wasn't working properly. It was amusing the next morning to have to move that back outside in daylight.
Also that evening when we got back Turco tried to light a special cigarette with, straightner, iron & various car lighters until Jeannette came home to help him out.

Sunday we headed to the dinner where the worst waitress ever was working, it took about 2 hours to get food there and she kept forgetting everything. Luckily we were very hung over so we didn't bitch much, to her anyway. Jeannette left us after breakfast and after about 2 hours of debate Janice decided to stay. The rest of us made it to the beach finally for about 2 hours, then it got cold so we headed back to hang out and drink early, there was a bbq so we stayed there and then headed to PH for our final night. After 3 nights of drinking I was holding my own but it was hard to get drunk and ignore the old guys...seriously they were everywhere. Janice made it out in her party dress hoping to meet Pete who found one of our coasters from the night before and gave her a call. Janice got too drunk and left at 11 to take a cab to GGs for a slice of pizza and then back again, she missed Pete. We were downstairs most of the night again but made it upstairs where we saw more of the boyband and met Pete, turns out his friends found the card and used his name. When PH was closing people were heading over to Leggets but I could barely stand upright so I headed back for my standard 6 hours of sleep.

Monday we layed around a bit and then Beth and I left to go shopping and drop Janice off at home. Lisa & Laura stayed at the beach for the day and headed up so Lisa could meet us for the Yankee game. I think for the first time ever I didn't drink at the game, I just couldn't stomach any more beer after 4 days of hardcore drinking....I miss being 22.

I am sure I forgot stuff so let me know and I'll add it!


Chuck almost died!

Last night after a few too many martinis at happy hour I decided to do some household chores. Lisa came over and we finally got the couch down the stairs and out of my apartment......then I decided I should change the water in chuck's bowl since it had ummm been awhile.

Chuck is not a fan of the water bowl change, he swims out of reach of the spoon I use to put him in the temporary holding bowl while cleaning his. Now this was a good idea at the time, I started to dump the water down the drain hoping to force Chuck closer to the spoon to come out. Instead he ended up in the drain of the sink. In my not-so-sober state I panicked and almost forced him down the drain, luckily Lisa was there to pull him out and put him in the bowl. He didn't move at first and I figured he wasn't going to live but thankfully he started swimming and is fine.

When I woke up this morning he was swimming and doing just fine so luckily he'll make it a bit longer. Poor Chuck, my dad calls him the ghetto fish b/c I forget to feed him or constantly put different things around his bowl and now I almost killed him.

Lesson learned, leave the fish alone after 1/2 price martini night :)



It has been so long since I posted - I'm resurrecting the blog and will post here more. I'm going to stop posting on myspace because it isn't doing me any good to post there - I'm in the process of severing contact from something that is/always has been so unhealthy for me. I'm hoping that at 31 1/2 I have finally learned something.

The next few posts after this are reposts from myspace for those of you who never joined ;)