Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I fear for the future - June 2008

Last night Beth, Ann & I got together to teach the basics of Wii to Beth at her apartment. Her neice & nephew are coming into town so I loaned her the Wii for them. We ordered some sushi, Beth & Ann had wine - I was not drinking(important in a minute) and we practiced some of the games so that Beth wouldn't get her ass kicked by little kids tomorrow. The night was fun, uneventful on the craziness scale. I left to go home, grabbing everything I brought - or so I thought.

At 7am this morning I realized that I left my wallet at Beth's - for those of you who may read this blog (or have hung out with me atleast once) you'll remember that I leave my wallet in cabs, at bars, on streets, even in friends cars and all those previous stories are from when I have been ridiculously drunk - but last night I drank soda. So the inevitable has happened, I do not even need to be drinking anymore to leave stuff everywhere - please remember if you are hanging out with me to ask if I have everything, changes are I do not and will need whatever I'm leaving behind.

As one of my friends so nicely put -"we are going to have to start duct taping things to you, or maybe a fanny pack?"

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