Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Germany - November 2007

Last week I finally took a vacation and traveled 8 hours to fabulous Germany. The purpose of the trip was for me to see where I was born as well as where I lived. A group of us went and overall had a fantasic time. Some of the highlights

- Hamburg- 1st night in Hamburg Lisa met her new husband, he spoke no english, was huge, sweaty and drunk but absolutely knew Lisa was the one for him

- Hamburg - guy sitting next me to kept talking to me even though I spoke no german. His friend however spoke english and tried to compliment me by saying I was a beautiful girl while holding his hands about chest high in the shape of boobs....seems the sign for boobs in the same in any language.

- Berlin - instead of sightseeing on our last afternoon there I went back to the hotel to get drunk on $10 bloody marys and loved it. I was in a great mood for dinner

- Berlin - did a walking tour all over Berlin and heard fascinating history about the Russian/German way only 20 years ago. Saw the wall, checkpoints & australians, interesting tour.

- Berlin - saw Holocaust museum, walked through for 3 hours, thoroughly depressed by the end. Great museum but very sad.

- Munich - went to the big beer hall, saw dancing and bell ringing. Lisa got picked to dance with the may pole, she received a cowbell as a souvenier, we didn't let her take it off all night.

- Munich - same beer hall, went and drank liter beers, in drunken state figured I could lift 4 of them with one had...impressed 50 year old man, he showed me picture of his 21 year old son...thought we'd be a good match. His other friend decided I'd make a good wife, left me his number in travel book,sorry I never called Alex, but ummmmm I don't speak German

- Stuttgart - drove around for 3 hours trying to locate friend's house....finally parked in bakery and made him come get us. Headed back to the hotel, took 2 hours to find "really easy to find" hotel.

- Stuttgart - Mercedes museum, lots of cars...too many museums on this trip

- Kohln - last night we went along the Rhine and sat at a German/Italian restaurant and drank meters. Meters are 11 indvidual beers in a meter long wooden holder thingy. 4 of us drank 4-5 of them (I lost count)....was very drunk from dinner.

In Kohln we decided to get 1 room and have all 5 of us sleep there, sneaking in 2 additional people that the hotel wouldn't know about. To do this we had 3 people go the room after dinner while Lisa and I were going to wait and then go in a bit...well being tipsy from dinner we decided to go check out a local bar. We walked in to find a reggae bar & free beer. Everytime we went up to get beer they didn't charge us, I put down money and they gave it back; they were marking things on papers though like a tab but had no credit card of ours. Again some weird guy came up to talk to us but since we didn't speak German we just nodded alot, he was talking to the bartender so he might of paid our beers, umm thanks I guess. So in our quest to wait a little bit before we had to sneak into the hotel we ended up getting very drunk and getting home about 5 hours before we had to leave for our flight back.

Definitely a wonderful vacation.

Next time I think I'll head to South America though:


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