Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Recap - June 2008

I had planned on blogging recaps from weekends at the shore for everyone who doesn't live in Jersey anymore. However it is really hard to recap everything that happened when you only remember til about 9pm at night....it's really hard.

Here is what I do remember

Friday - got so lost trying to find house - managed to make it down there and planned to nap to be ready for going out all night (thursday's go out for 1 drink ended up being a huge bender - i'm not a sleeper but even I need more than 2 hours) - instead showed up to people in the house so I started drinking instead. Headed to PH to begin the evening - ended up at Edgar's dancing with miliary people & a guy who smelled like an air freshner. Got pizza went home.

Saturday - attempted to go the beach - it was freezing, windy & we were the only people there. Gave up came back to the house watched super violent movies (miss living with boys) and left to go to lunch with friends(so glad you guys are back!). Came back and found everyone playing beer pong. inside. on dining room table. Ended up playing for hours(did not win once, unheard of) - very drunk before going out. Traveled to PH again and saw some people I knew finally and then to Edgars(transition was fuzzy between the two). At Edgars danced with random people that everyone but me knew - saw air freshner boy again - avoided. Got pizza went home

Sunday - gorgeous beach day - lunch at PH - bloody marys should not be consumed like water. Moved inside for our made up Happy Hour and drank vodka/lemonades...stayed too long. Went back to shower - haha drunk showers. Finally get ready head back to PH where we drank way more than is needed by 9pm. Leave bar and go home - pass out completely wake up at 5am to head back to Hoboken.

Monday - spend all day on couch "working remotely"

I love summer - but for some reason I can't seem to grasp the concept that it's a marathon not a sprint. Happy Hour is my favorite time of day and if I could I'd always drink at 4pm and also my phone pretty much recaps for me the next morning as I see what I was up to when "thinking with vodka".


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