Tuesday, June 17, 2008

LBI meets Manasquan - July 2007

This weekend Beth & Laura joined me, Lisa, Jeannette & Janice in our beach bars. The weekend started early with Beth & I leaving work early and heading down to meet up with Janice & Jeannette who were already down. We got down about 4ish and joined them in some drinking. We got ready and were so engrossed in drinking that the cab driver for the cab we called actually had to come knock on our door to get us to go over to Parker House. Jill, Greg & Kelly met us over at PH for happy hour, of course PH deemed it a holiday weekend so $1 beers were not available, we still managed to celebrate Jill's bday. After a dinner of tiny burgers & some hot dogs, which I ate pickles not being a bbq fan, Erica & her bf arrived so we drank some more and then headed to the front of the stage to dance with the band. Norell & Lisa found us at the front soon enough to join in the crazy that is our group.

I don't remember the name of the band but they were very good but ummm a bit friendly. I will preface this with saying I did wear The Magic Shirt again this Friday. We were up front dancing when the band decided to announce my nice cleavage and use said cleavage for a mic stand. Beth has pictures. We continued to dance without further incident and about 10:30 left to go to Osprey. BOC was playing there and of course we were the only ones on the dance floor that early, with enough drinks we didn't notice. The place did fill up fast though so we danced with the crowd and continued to drink. Jill, Gregg, Kelly, Erica, Stubby, and myself left about 12:15...I was out the night before very late but still went home way early. I went back and Janice had locked me out and managed not to hear the banging or screaming, I finally managed to get in and yelled at her but her drunk self couldn't hear me anyway. Now I didn't pack as well as I thought for the weekend and realized I didn't bring pj bottoms...sooooooo in my incredibly drunken state I believed that a bikini bottom was the appropriate thing to wear. It wasn't my brightest idea. Through the rest of the night the others came back, Beth left the door wide open for them so they could get in w/o the hassle I had, but still anyone could have joined us since the door was wide open to the street.

Since I crashed so early and have the worst sleep patters ever I managed to wake everyone up at 8:30, I'm nice like that. We ate chips & dip for breakfast while debating going to the beach, we didn't make it. We left a bit early for Bud Bingo at Leggets (2 hours, I wanted to make sure we got seats). Bingo was new for Beth and of course she won. The rest of us just got drunk for the afternoon, so everyone wins! Jeannette & I spent a lot of time making little coaster signs for Janice since it was her bday Saturday. A lot of them just said Happy Birthday but if you were in the Osprey that night and found one that said to text Janice for her bday and had her number on it, that was us.

Beth left early to meet up with Laura to head to the Sundress Fest over in Sea Girt. The rest of us headed back to nap. The alarm was supposed to go off so we could head to dinner around 7, we got up at 7:30 but managed to all get out the door by 9 and head to UL. Jill, Gregg & Norell met us for dinner, it was horrible; the food was gross and the staff less then friendly. Left UL around 11 to head over to Osprey, yes again. Osprey was crowded, line wrapped around the corner. We got in, got soem drinks and headed to the dance floor. There were so many people there but we fought our way to the stage and danced for quite awhile. I saw a very drunk Eric from the BoyBand and his really drunk friend Franco who had a lovely relationship with my ass while I was saying hi to Eric. We got a special guest star, Turco also from LBI showed up to hang out and was quite the dancer.

Janice spent much of the night in her party dress trying to get on stage. She got about half way up before we caught her, she just wanted to tell the drummer he was going to marry her, you know it was her birthday.

Everyone made it out late and to first ave pizza, except Jeannette who had to stay and mingle with the bouncers. After getting way too much food we headed home where Turco dragged a lawn chair inside to sleep on since the air mattress we had wasn't working properly. It was amusing the next morning to have to move that back outside in daylight.
Also that evening when we got back Turco tried to light a special cigarette with, straightner, iron & various car lighters until Jeannette came home to help him out.

Sunday we headed to the dinner where the worst waitress ever was working, it took about 2 hours to get food there and she kept forgetting everything. Luckily we were very hung over so we didn't bitch much, to her anyway. Jeannette left us after breakfast and after about 2 hours of debate Janice decided to stay. The rest of us made it to the beach finally for about 2 hours, then it got cold so we headed back to hang out and drink early, there was a bbq so we stayed there and then headed to PH for our final night. After 3 nights of drinking I was holding my own but it was hard to get drunk and ignore the old guys...seriously they were everywhere. Janice made it out in her party dress hoping to meet Pete who found one of our coasters from the night before and gave her a call. Janice got too drunk and left at 11 to take a cab to GGs for a slice of pizza and then back again, she missed Pete. We were downstairs most of the night again but made it upstairs where we saw more of the boyband and met Pete, turns out his friends found the card and used his name. When PH was closing people were heading over to Leggets but I could barely stand upright so I headed back for my standard 6 hours of sleep.

Monday we layed around a bit and then Beth and I left to go shopping and drop Janice off at home. Lisa & Laura stayed at the beach for the day and headed up so Lisa could meet us for the Yankee game. I think for the first time ever I didn't drink at the game, I just couldn't stomach any more beer after 4 days of hardcore drinking....I miss being 22.

I am sure I forgot stuff so let me know and I'll add it!


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