Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's like we never left - May 2008

This past weekend we ventured down to the wonderful world of the jersey shore again(have to post last weekend's DJais story still). I originally went down to see my mom for Mother's Day and easily got sucked into heading over to Parker House that night - VIP exchange night, yet I don't even have a VIP card.

When we arrived and I was surprised how crowded the place was - lots of people. Yet I didn't really recognize people (not that this is a suprise b/c I know no one ever) The one fun thing about the night though was that I was fielding some work calls after doing shots - so responsible.

Also - Lisa managed to get her VIP card renewed - was a good thing she practiced the name in the car

We got to see the posse again - nice early summer meeting

The boy band was missing some players but those that were there were very enthusiastic

We ended up downstairs where there was no band AND I managed to take really drunk pictures of all my friends so that when they call their drunk faces appear (although no one ever calls, too bad pics don't come up when texting)

End of the night we continued the festivities at Leggits - I am not a nighttime/weekend Leggits fan. It's too crowded - you are forced to move around the bar b/c you are caught in the crowd and anyone you didn't want to see or didn't want to see hooking up with someone else is going to be there. So this pre-season leggit's evening went well. For some it was better than others - congrats Jeannette :)

I vaguely remember leaving (ended up in the back back of the car - while wearing 4 inch heels - so graceful) and heading to the diner just like old times. We ordered food & managed to amuse the waitstaff with our stories of the bf who had a bisexual ex-wife and various other inappropriate things at 3am in a Diner.

The best part! We're back next weekend b/c we have the house early....gonna be an interesting summer.


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