Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What I did with my weekend - September 2007

My weekend was supposed to be very busy, very fun......things did not go as planned.

Friday night we went out for Lisa's birthday....started at GR with balloons, candy and cake(you know b/c she's 5). Then moved onto the ferry boat as the party took to the water. We had a lot of fun on the boat, pictures are coming I promise. We left the boat, went over to Dubliner...not so fun. Left and headed to McSwiggans...here it gets a bit fuzzy. There was lots of drinking, jolly ranchers were $1....they are my favorite and were only $1!!!!! There were also some pictures of me with the birthday girls sparkly wand down my shirt....interesting. Finally around 2ish I called it a night and left the bar.

The next morning I woke up to find that my wallet was gone and my new iPhone was cracked and not responding. I searched everywhere for the wallet but no good, it was gone. McSwiggans never found it, spent much of Saturday cancelling credit cards. Everyone else headed down to Chowderfest but since I was id less, money less & phone less I stayed home to ponder my complete irresponsibility at 30.

Yesterday I went into the city to see what I could do about the phone. I went to the store where I bought it and because it was 16 days after purchase nothing could be done.....if it had been 14 days they could have helped. Thanks so much ghetto fabulous cingular girls. So I headed down to the Apple Store on Prince Street. Now they have this thing called the Genius Bar where you can get help, you have to make an appointment, of course they had no appointments left.......I"m not really proud of this but I kinda pouted and then smiled real big and finally the tech got me an appointment within 15 minutes :)

When I met the other tech I explained that I didn't know what happenend that my phone started cracking from the inside and now it wouldn't work (more smiling, more head tilting) he was so nice and got me a new phone to replace this defective one. Soooooo while I was upset I missed chowder fest & had to replace my whole wallet I atleast didn't have to shell out another $300 for a phone.

To cap it off this morning I got to go to JC DMV.....sadly I've lost my stuff so many times that I had all my documents ready and was in and out in 20 min....practice makes perfect I guess.

thank goodness vacation is only 4 days away!!

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